Plasma - how to & safety

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Plasma - how to & safety

Postby williamssteve » Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:44 pm


As there has been a bit of discussion about plasma, it might be worth starting a topic on plasma and the how to's and the *safety* considerations.

Not being an expert on such matters, what are peoples experiences with high voltage and how to handle it.

I saw a design using a normal car ignition coil and a spark plug and using a 12v on/off switch to generate plasma pulses at the spark plug by turning the 12v on and off. Then the suggestion was drip water onto the spark gap ( or inject steam ) to see how it goes at converting water/steam to hydrogen + oxygen. The spark plug was screwed into a pipe so it formed a channel. The only downside I see to this is the electricity conducting down the steam/water stream to the water/steam source.....


Note - any experiments you perform totally at your own risk. Water and electricity are a dangerous and usually lethal mix.
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