Big Brother auto tracking you at the pump

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Big Brother auto tracking you at the pump

Postby thrival » Mon Jan 02, 2006 10:54 pm GPS, mileage scanned every time you stop for gas, and taxed;
also tracks your speed (tickets by mail) and kills the ignition if
tracking disabled. Love Big Brother, he's looking out for you (sic).
The insurance companies love it too. UK is committed to and actually
going forward with the system. By 2010 there will be 30 Galileo GPS
satellites in geo-synchronous orbit.

E-tracking, coming to a DMV near you; DOT wants to track your car
wherever it goes. Trust federal bureaucrats to take a good idea and
transform it into a frightening proposal to track Americans wherever they

The U.S. Department of Transportation has been handing millions of
dollars to state governments for GPS-tracking pilot projects designed to
track vehicles wherever they go.

So far, Washington state and Oregon have received fat federal checks to
figure out how to levy these "mileage-based road user fees."

The PR offensive: Even more shocking are additional ideas that
bureaucrats are hatching. A report prepared by a Transportation
Department-funded program in Washington state says the GPS bugs must
be made "tamper proof" and the vehicle should be disabled if the bugs are

"This can be achieved by building in connections to the vehicle ignition
circuit so that failure to receive a moving GPS signal after some default
period of vehicle operation indicates attempts to defeat the GPS antenna,"
the report says.

It doesn't mention the worrisome scenario of someone driving a vehicle
with a broken GPS bug--and an engine that suddenly quits half an hour
later. But it does outline a public relations strategy (with "press releases
and/or editorials" at a "very early stage") to persuade the American public
that this kind of contraption would be, contrary to common sense, in their
best interest.,+coming+ ... +you/2010-

The Office of Transportation Policy Studies, part of the Federal Highway
Administration, is about to announce another round of grants totaling some
$11 million. A spokeswoman on Friday said the office is "shooting for the
end of the year" for the announcement, and more money is expected for
GPS (Global Positioning System) tracking efforts. ... -wherever/
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Postby pertyfly » Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:14 pm

Oh, that's totally disgusting....

I knew this was coming, just not sure when. I'm glad that I live in Canada for now...we're always a bit later to catch on to these privacy invasion situations....

I just hope this never happens. You can be damn sure that I will find a way around it and use it. Technology can always be beat (just look at computers) :wink:

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Postby Jay » Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:35 pm

The software used will be available in a special cracked "WYL"-0day release on Limewire before its even off the assembly line...hehehehe

:shock: :shock: :shock:
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