Greetings from a long-time "lurker" - now register

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Greetings from a long-time "lurker" - now register

Postby H2opefull » Sun Jan 22, 2006 1:21 pm

Hello Everyone!

I've been "here" since last May, Reading, looking, and trying things on my own that I thought might show some promise.

I am also "on" a few other forums concerning the subject of Hydrogen.

I decided to register here today because I have built numerous electrolysers and wanted to share my experiences.

A summary of my attempts:

1. Built aluminum only units using baking soda as electrolyte - even did multiple cells.

2. Built the Steven Chambers patent including the electronics (except the lights and meters on the "dash"). DON'T BOTHER!!

3. Built a unit very similar to one available for around $150 on the internet- don't remember exactly what the original was/is called.

4. Built the Hydro-Gen unit. (Also a don't bother!!)

5. Have experimented with various electrolytes and concentrations, types of electrode materials, various stlyes of plates, multiple cell configurations, as well as waveform dissociation, and "brute force" techniques (of course).

While I don't claim to know all about anything, I have some findings that I think could save others some valuable time and money (unless they wish to learn by doing for themselves - always the best way, I think).

I began this adventure one evening in June after viewing an evening newscast concerning fuel and gasoline costs.

As usual the tone was "there's nothing that YOU can do about it- just wanted to let you know how bad things are to make you more miserable than you were before you saw this" type of "reporting"......javascript:emoticon(':twisted:')
Twisted Evil

WELL it PI**SED me off, so I set out to take matters into my own hands and see if I could do something constructive and usefull, just to prove them wrong!! (I've had some success, and lots of fun, too!)

I have since built all the above and have come to some better understanding of what it takes to make and use oxy-hydrogen gases as a fuel safely. (And what not to do, too.) javascript:emoticon(':oops:')

I am fortunate to be self-employed as an Electrician, so I have some time and $$ to devote to my endeavors - even sold a few auto units to help fund the research!

I have to announce that I have not been able to acheive any success with pulses/frequencies. (I don't know of anyone who has, either.)

I also have to say that I don't think any of those who have claimed/shown to have run a car on water as fuel have a device that can be replicated by others - at least so far. So, I only use hydrogen as an assist as far as its use onboard a vehicle.

I have high hopes for a stationary water-based electrical generation system, however. (And I am currently building one.)

I know this is long- but I wanted to give an accurate picture of who I am, and where I stand right up front.

Thanks for your indulgence!

I feel as if I know many of you more active members, and look forward to our future discourse here!

A warm hello to those of you with whom I have spoken over the phone, too!javascript:emoticon(':wink:')
Get 'er done!
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2006 11:59 am
Location: Central West Coast Florida, USA

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