I received a request to post this message on my forum so that people could respond to it publicly. I sent this e-mail out a few days ago and it's been like a mini-family reunion since then. I am pleased that so many of you are still interested in working together so here's the e-mail as requested:
Hello Everyone,
I wanted to take this opportunity to invite you all back to the new and improved OUPower.com website and forum. Heck, I have even added a BLOG now if you can believe it.
Over the past few months I have had a lot of changes in my life. My father died back in June so that had me messed up for quite some time; but in the end it has helped to pull me out of the "lull" that I was in. For several years now I have been ignoring my "duties" here on OUPower. I have been negligent in posting and working on projects. I have been ignoring the forum and generally let things coast on autopilot.
Well in case any of you have been checking, you will notice that right around May/June 2011 I started doing some heavier posting. I finally managed to purchase two vital pieces of equipment that I have needed for years. Yes folks... I now have a very nice Milling Machine and Lathe. You can see my projects on the main OUPower.com website for all of the
information and updates on those items.
Needless to say it caused a sort of re-invigoration in me. -Thank goodness!

And I kicked my butt into gear for some much needed improvements. The site has received a much needed facelift. The forum has definitely been updated with some greatly improved software. The blog has been added so that I can quickly and easily disseminate information to you. I even have Youtube Videos online now. Yes ...can you believe it.

Anyway, there is much more to come as I ramp up my work and start getting back into the swing of things. But I just wanted to take this opportunity to say hello again to all of you. If you haven't entirely given up on me I have some really cool things that I'm going to be working on and posting about (some already started) over this coming year. With my new pieces of machine equipment I plan on finally getting down to prototyping my engine design (yes you heard correctly!) that I developed back in 2003. I also have a vertical Axis windmill design that I plan on prototyping and let's not forget the Hydroxy research. I have some new friends that work on RACE-CARS (yes you heard correctly) for a summertime hobby and we're going to be doing some really cool work on that end.
Life is going to get exciting once again here at OUPower. I, as always will post everything that I do for you to see and critique or replicate. All I ask is that you give me the chance to prove to you that there is still a lot of good we can do for Clean Energy Technology Research here on OUPower. I need people to help me develop (that's YOU!) and you can in turn use me and OUPower.com for the home that it always was for your posting and discussions.
As always, if you have any suggestions or comments, please let me know. Post them to the General Discussion forum or the Website discussions forum and we'll go from there!