Hi guys. I wanted to let you know that I have not died. In fact quite the opposite. I have been working like mad on a number of things out in my workshop since the cold weather broke.
I have been silent here because of my work out there! I posted some more pics and have a TON of others to post. I need to find time to add the text in there.
Anyway, no I'm not dead! -Just need some time to update my projects on the site. BTW... 300 in donations is almost 1/100th of my cost of my shop covered already! woohoo
Thank you to all who have donated toward that massive project. I hope to pay dividends back to all of you in the form of projects and ideas. I'm also working on some ideas for marketing several items that I can make out there to help support my work in OUPower Research. -Let's see how it goes this year.
If you know any rich philanthropists who are looking for a good cause to donate toward, please send them my way! Now more than ever I can taste that which I desire so badly ...to do this sort of work full time and support my family while doing it.