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OUPower.com • View topic - Low energy Input, mass hydrogen output methods in use.

Low energy Input, mass hydrogen output methods in use.

This forum is for discussions regarding Hydrogen Production by all means OTHER than Electrolysis. It is also for discussing the end results of Hydrogen Applications such as Water Engines & Water Cars.

Postby coffeyw » Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:20 am


You might want to talk with these folks.
I understand they reduce MIB encounters and can spotlight your technology which can make things move along faster due to public interest.

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Postby H2-Paul » Fri May 04, 2007 2:10 pm

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Postby panthony » Fri May 04, 2007 9:52 pm


I believe that this thread has come to a pause. Started by AlaskaStar two years ago...it was on target, then moved way off the mark similar to the Daniel Battery and then right back on with Flue Gas Desulfurization Materials.

I have been doing some experiments with haydite (expanded shale). It has some similar characteristics to FGD's without some of the extraneous metals. Drop a magnet into a pile of Haydite and Bob's your uncle. There's Al2O3, Fe2O3 and SiO2.

If you realize that H2SO4 in 53% solution (battery acid) is completely disassociated with all kinds of H ions looking to get out of solution...when you drop in a compacted catalyst of the compounds above...once again...Bob's your uncle. What you're left with are sulfates and H2SO4 and H2.

Here is the issue...designing a reactor vessal with the ability to change out the reactant and re-supply the solution...all in a manner that the average Joe can handle.

Is this thread dead...I doubt it.

On a second note...ethenol from corn is a real consumption energy. Even when you figure in converting waste bi-product from grass clippings....and so on there is just not enough waste to make a difference...and it still pollutes. I believe we need to re-introduce cellular waste back into soil enrichment which will re-supply the biocycle naturally.

AlaskaStar....If you could please email me to I have some very important questions to ask you....thanks... info at optimumve dot com
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Postby bricci » Mon May 07, 2007 1:29 am

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 2:52 am Post subject: ...

I can tell you all this that in 22 more months i can release ALL the information that i hold, and LEGALLY share it with you ALL.

By my calculations its 22 months today!

Are you able to spill the beans yet AlaskaStar?
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Postby AlaskaStar » Mon May 07, 2007 2:36 am

After all I have been through, Even though I can, I'm not readily inclined to do so.

And even though the process is too simple, and few have actually tried it, and those that I have just FLAT OUT GIVEN the information to have done absolutely nothing with it, they claim to want to use it, but since the one process I use primarily consumes too much "Human time" meaning that we live in an instant world, where at the push of the button, it instantly happens, something like this would consume most of a good afternoon for a week's worth of fuel, that takes too much time and being far too inconvenient for the average American, I doubt that even giving it to you would amount to much more than a "Oh, That's all it was?" I am not asking for a big hubagaloo, I enjoy teaching and would rather that people learn how to actually get to the solution, and not just have the solution and not know how it works, for if they haven't a clue how it actually works, at what point does someone go overboard on the "If a little is good, then a LOT is GREAT!" and end up doing more damage to themselves and their neighbors, and achieve nothing more than a major "OOPS" that the EPA and HAZMAT TEAM have to come in a clean up, and at what cost?

"Your 3rd cousin just killed himself, Mr. Senator. He was trying one of those Online Fuel Experiments, and the Chemicals he used are...."

and the results would be:

"We have to make it ILLEGAL t even have those chemicals near anyone whom is not a federally registered blah....and Blah Blah....The American Public is too dumb to think for themselves let alone anyone else. That is why they Elected me, as Mr. Senator to be their voice, so for their own good, it's now illegal to have these chemicals anywhere on private lands....Blah....Blah blah BLAH....."

Can anyone see where this would lead?

Ever Wonder where and WHY web sites like the "Jolly Roger's Anarchists Cookbook" keep moving to different web addresses? Maybe because stuff like this is too dangerous to allow hill-billy to do for himself.

I'm not better than anyone, and I am certainly not wanting this or anyone else's technology to be squandered off on a whim of random authoritarian stupidity, preventing the experiments from progressing any further.

An example would be that too many people find the use of KOH and NaOH for their Hydrogen Production totally Invaluable. What would happen if someone got really STUPID and had a series of "Copycat" people performing the same stupid stunt with these Chemicals? Would it and could it someday be made ILLEGAL? and Where would that leave all of you whom find it is a valuable resource of Electrolyte for your Hydrogen Cells?

Yes this looks Paranoid, and I agree, it also looks like a damned good reason (for me) to not tell.

Anyone can drop certain metals into certain electrolytes and make hydrogen, but to do it cleanly, and have non-toxic stuff that is GOOD for the environment as a "Waste Byproduct" is another thought all together.

So in light of this, I will now spoon feed the information to those whom have yet to figure it out.

Step 1. Obtain Fe Coated with Zn.

Step 2. Take Zn Coated Fe home.

Step 3. Obtain H2SO4.

Step 4. Take H2SO4 home.

Step 5. Wearing all proper safety equipment (if you don't have any don't bother even trying), pour H2SO4 into a suitable CLEAR Container.

Step 6. Place Fe + Zn into the H2SO4.

Step 7. Watch Hydrogen Bubbles.

Step 8. Watch ZnSO4 Precipitate out from Solution.

Step 9. Watch FeSO4 Precipitate out of Solution.

Step 10. Extract FeSO4 and ZnSO4 from remaining Solution.

Step 11. Dry the FeSO4 and the ZnSO4.

Step 12. Extract the Zn and the Fe from the ZnSO4 and the FeSO4.

Step 13. Re-use the ZN and the Fe with another Batch of H2SO4.

Step 14. Repeat entire process until desired amount of hydrogen has been reached for supply time span desired.

Step 15. If it's too inconvenient for the average American, Totally Disregard these instructions, and keep whining about your daily lives. Pay the High price of fuel, and wish for more education to possibly help you out of your situation.


Hope the Solution was all that you had hoped it would be, and if you chose not to even try to understand how and why it works, please do not come crying at me over it, as the disclaimer at the front page states, THIS IS DANGEROUS STUFF, and USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

After I complete the Conversion of my car to run on Hydrogen and Oxygen, I will be putting it up for sale. the Hydrogen will be produced "On the go" and the asking price for the car is going to be in the ballpark of $350,000.00 United States Dollars. Anyone Interested?

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Postby nickle989 » Mon May 07, 2007 8:12 am

Great ... something else I need to try now ... LOL. Need to watch this bell curve now.
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Postby Maintenanceman » Tue May 08, 2007 12:01 pm


Will regular old galvanized iron work for this..as in like galvanized pipe fittings or old galvanized roof material?And on another note are you using pure Sulphuric or a watered down mixture?
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Postby Maintenanceman » Tue May 08, 2007 12:09 pm

and BTW Thank you for all of your insight and sharing of knowledge Alaskastar ! I will be starting my Fe/Zn H2SO4 as soon as i find a place i can buy H2SO4 without a license here in Wisconsin...still working on a vendor for it atm=D
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Postby lhagood » Tue May 08, 2007 1:42 pm

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Postby Maintenanceman » Thu May 10, 2007 3:57 pm


I started my first H2SO4 Experiment last night..ll i have gotten was able to eat the Zn off of my Galvanized fittings...the acid was making bubbles..but after the Zn was gone the reaction stopped...is this the point where i apply voltage or drain it?I am assuming the pipe fittings were Galvanized Iron. Didnt want to blow myself up so i didnt apply any power to it but i am gonna tonight...i need to get a measurement tonight as well as to what kind of energy the cell store after the Zn is turned to sulfate.And on another note ..is this the point where i harvest my zinc oxide for reuse?Thanks for the inspiration ..I am hopeing to get some responses as to further educate me in the chemics side of this ..being most of my experiments have to do with "Brute Force" Electrolosys.
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Postby biggeorge » Thu May 10, 2007 4:49 pm

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Postby Maintenanceman » Thu May 10, 2007 11:24 pm

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Postby AlaskaStar » Thu May 10, 2007 11:28 pm

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Postby Maintenanceman » Thu May 10, 2007 11:30 pm

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Postby Maintenanceman » Thu May 10, 2007 11:42 pm

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