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8 plate series cell Project Page 2

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This Project was last updated on: February 14, 2007 01:50am

WARNING! Many, if not all of the projects described within these pages, contain dangerous and potentially fatal consequences if you do not exercise proper precautions and follow standard safety procedures. The owner of this site takes no responsibility for injury sustained by anyone attempting to duplicate or utilize any of the information on this site. The information here is strictly for Educational Purposes! -USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

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Now place all the cell plates on top of power connection plate. PVC spacer(3mm) in between each cell plates.

Side view. Cell plates are press in between two thick acrylic (18mm). PVC washer cushions some over tightening. Now, the cell is ready for fluid leakage testing.

Top closer view. 6mm hole drilled through press acrylic. 6mm bolt used as connection lead.

Back view.

PVC sheet cut into shape to close gap between press acrylic and side acrylic cover.

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This Website is Created and Maintained by chris--at--OUPower--dot--com (Fix the address for it to work!)
This Project was last updated on: February 14, 2007 01:50am

WARNING! Many, if not all of the projects described within these pages, contain dangerous and potentially fatal consequences if you do not exercise proper precautions and follow standard safety procedures. The owner of this site takes no responsibility for injury sustained by anyone attempting to duplicate or utilize any of the information on this site. The information here is strictly for Educational Purposes! -USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

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