Welcome to OUPower.com
"Over Unity Power" Research
This Website is Created and Maintained by chris--at--OUPower--dot--com (Fix the address for it to work!) WARNING! Many, if not all of the projects described within these pages, contain dangerous and potentially fatal consequences if you do not exercise proper precautions and follow standard safety procedures. The owner of this site takes no responsibility for injury sustained by anyone attempting to duplicate or utilize any of the information on this site. The information here is strictly for Educational Purposes! -USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Click Here to go to my YouTube Channel!! Click Here to go to our NEW Facebook Discussion Group! This is replacing the old Discussion Board! Click Here to go to our ARCHIVED Discussion Boards. |
![]() I felt that it was necessary to take a snapshot of the old garage :) It will be (yes with my wife's permission) the future site of my little machine shop. I am going to steel only 1/2 of it at this time so that we can still park a car in the other half for now. We desperately need to get a tool shed for our yard. I can move a lot of our junk out to that. Mowers, bikes, tiller... etc. I hope to move most of the stuff here out to the shed (when we get it) so that I can have a nice clear area for my shop project. I do have a downstairs area, but it is tiny and if I'm going to be smelting metal I don't think it would be wise to do indoors. Besides, if this stuff weighs what I think it's going to weigh, after it is assembled... I surely don't want to have it in a basement. I hope to move us within the next year or two, to a house that I want to design and build myself. It may be a dream but hey. We need those right? If I can pull it off. I will build myself a nice 20 x 30 shop or something :) woohoo! For now, this is going to be home to my shop projects. ![]() I got some blower motors that I want to use for the foundry and some larger 1/2 horsepower motors to try for the lathe. If they don't work as planned, it's a simple matter to get something else from him. By the way, anyone have a pin-out for the GE 1/2 horsepower washing machine motors? They have like 7 pins on them and I'm scared to just try guessing at which 2 pins to connect to house current! -Zaap! Pop! ---Chris ...now what did you do? .....Nothing Honey! ....Nothing?!? I smell something burning?!? ...No honey, that's just your imagination! ![]() The 7 books were the series on the shop and the 8th was the injection mold plastic one. I hope to do some work with that someday. Perhaps winding some bobbins for my coils? Anyway, I felt confident enough from the info I have gleaned on the internet, to create my own crucible and foundry; even though my books have not yet arrived. Kudos to BackyardMetalCasting.com for Lionel's nice work and outstanding site! He helped to twist my arm into getting some descriptions on my pathetic site so I have to give him some thanks and a plug :) At any rate, I have done quite a bit of computer work for a local machine shop Quality Metal Works, and in return, the owner, Jack has agreed to machine parts for me. I decided that this would be a great thing to have them do so yesterday (9/2/2002), Jack and I threw this little crucible together from some scraps at his shop. I have taken information from Lionel's site and expanded a bit with my own little idea for the bottom :) I hope it works as well as I think it will. ![]() |
Click Here to Re-Display the Main Project Page This Website is Created and Maintained by chris--at--OUPower--dot--com (Fix the address for it to work!) WARNING! Many, if not all of the projects described within these pages, contain dangerous and potentially fatal consequences if you do not exercise proper precautions and follow standard safety procedures. The owner of this site takes no responsibility for injury sustained by anyone attempting to duplicate or utilize any of the information on this site. The information here is strictly for Educational Purposes! -USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Click Here to go to my YouTube Channel!! Click Here to go to our NEW Facebook Discussion Group! This is replacing the old Discussion Board! Click Here to go to our ARCHIVED Discussion Boards. |